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In the News: Fed Says Recession "Over," Kanye Stunt Prompts Suspicion

Federal Reserve Thinks Recession Is Over: Talk of the recession's end has been just about everywhere since the latter half of the summer, and now that assessment has been given another shot of credibility—from the Federal Reserve. This week, in his first speech since being reappointed, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke claimed the recession is "very likely over." And though he also said it won't be a short road to complete recovery, the worst is over. Event professionals seem to agree. [CNN]

Conspiracy Theorists Question VMA Snafu: There's mounting speculation that Kanye's obnoxious turn at Sunday's Video Music Awards wasn't entirely off the cuff. Though many voiced skepticism over whether or not it was planned by MTV—much like its Movie Awards confrontation between Brüno star Sacha Baron Cohen and Eminem—a few are now gathering evidence to support the farce theory. Exhibit A? Some think that the bottle of Hennessy Kanye was throwing back on the red carpet had the cap on the whole time. [Movieline]

Mystery Marketing Stunt Set for Thursday: HBO and advertising giant BBDO won a lot of press—and awards—for their 2007 experiential marketing stunt, "Voyeur." The video installation featured a fictional New York apartment building facade, where all the goings-on were visible via a missing fourth wall, and HBO invited media and advertisers to come screen it at a parking lot party. The new scenario, dubbed "Imagine," will be broadcast on a cube-shaped video screen in New York's meatpacking district this Thursday. Although the content remains something of a mystery, invitations to guests arrived last week, laced to stuffed teddy bears. [AdAge]

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